About Us

    I put this website together to make you feal more intouch with the world of technology and football. I made this for you guys.

    This is my first project, and I hope it is to be very useful. I have also made a website from scratch but that was some years ago and don't remember the address. It was not that important as this one.                         

    My goal as I said is to make you feel happy and satisfied. I would go research about information about this topic, but it would be hard for me to find it in such an organised manner.

    I hope this will be useful.

History of project

I started this project on the 12th of OCT. 2008 and it will be updated time by time.

Our users

Dear users, you can add your thoughts and opinions in the forum called "Responses" (preferably).

But if you're not able to find (usually top menu) than anywhere else would be fine!

OH! FEEDBACK and CONTACT US would be a good place too.